Старый 09.11.2009, 08:59   #1
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Purple Heart 2 (2009/PC/ENG)

Purple Heart 2 (2009/PC/ENG)

Purple Heart 2 - modern 3D cимулятор virtual sex with set of sexual poses and virtual environments. Here you create to yourselves the girl on your taste, dress her, (the clothes are very great), and go with it on walk. Further you should tempt the girl, and it is possible to do it in the various ways: beginning from usual sticking in what нибуть a romantic place and finishing purchase for it gifts in city shops. Finally the girl is completely given to you and further all depends only on you. Do all that want also a limit of your imaginations it is not limited.

The information on game:
The name: Purple Heart 2
Genre: XXX Virtual Game
The developer: Purple Heart
Year of release: 2009
Platform: PC
Interface language: English
✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯: it is not required
The size: 347 Mb

System requirements:
- System: Windows 2000/XP/Vista
- The processor: 1.3 Ghz
- Memory: 256 Mb
- A video-card: 128 Мb
- An audio-card: Compatible with DirectX 9.0




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